John F. Gann, II

CEO / Principal

Raised in a family-owned business where he’s had experience with every role on a construction site, Mr. Gann has over 30 years of experience in the construction industry. Mr. Gann works really hard to build a great culture, focused on employees. “If the folks in the field are happy, we’re going to be able to build something really special.” That team-based approach also carries over to our subcontractor community, where John works to make sure we have the best teams, both internally and externally.

John and his wife, Kristy, have four children, and they are heavily involved in youth groups focused on sports and outdoor activities. John loves the outdoors, most specifically whitewater rafting, classic rock climbs around the country, and mountain biking, all passions he enjoys sharing with his family.

Contact Us (940) 220-5500


3912 E. McKinney Street

Denton, TX 76208